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Thinking about joining Angel Yard?
This website has a great deal of information, but if you have further questions
please email hello@angelyard.org.uk
Press enquiry?
Email office@angelyard.org.uk
Phone 07796 104429 Lucy Hall
or 07786 613615 Richard Crosby
See our latest press statement:
Discover more about cohousing
Here are some resources you may find useful:
Video: What is cohousing? (from LILAC)
TED Talk: Cohousing can make us happier (and live longer)
Positive News: Cohousing: Sharing the future
Cohousing families (from Lancaster Cohousing)
There are a growing number of other cohousing developments already established in the UK, including:
Lancaster Cohousing, Lancaster
LILAC (Low Impact Living Affordable Community), Leeds
OWCH (Older Women’s Cohousing Community), High Barnet.
For a full list of established and planned developments, visits the UK Cohousing Network.