Introductory meetings for prospective members
We have a presentation that we can show over Zoom to anyone who is interested in joining our project and buying a home at Angel Yard. We're happy to arrange this with you on a mutually convenient date.
First of all complete an Expression of Interest on our Joining & Buying page, then get in touch via phone or email to arrange a presentation.

2025 Members' Meetings
We hold bimonthly meetings for all our 'future residents' to update everyone on our progress or discuss policy matters. In the intervening months we hold a social zoom with no agenda, as a chance to chat and catch up. These are all via Zoom at 7.30pm and the dates for 2025 are:
Monday 10 February (meeting)
Tuesday 11 March (social)
Tuesday 8 April (meeting)
Wednesday 14 May (social)
Wednesday 18 June (meeting)
Thursday 10 July (social)
Thursday 21 August (meeting)
Sunday 14 September (social)
Sunday 19 October (meeting)
Monday 10 November (social)
Monday 15 December (meeting and social!)
A Zoom link is sent to all residents ahead of the meeting

Allotment Sessions
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am - 3pm weather permitting.
Allotment Plots 107 - 108, Valpy Ave, Norwich NR3 2EW (opposite house No. 35)
Meet members of our cohousing cooperative and lend a hand on our allotments. This provides a great opportunity to meet others and start working together. Please bring your own tools, lunch and refreshments.
Call or text Christine on 07979 746 780 to let us know you're coming.
NB. If it is not possible to bring your own tools some will be available.