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Angel Yard catch-up

Welcome to the latest Angel Yard blog post. Things have been progressing nicely over the last few months. Here are some of the highlights.

Angel Yard goes to Pre-planning

Our plans were discussed with members of the City Council in a meeting held at the end of November. This involved members of the Council planning department, as well as representatives from our developers TOWN and of course, ourselves. In general the scheme was well received. There are some issues to address around design of our roofs, access for cars and the fate of a tree, but overall things are very positive.

To expand a little for those interested.

  • We want to have flat roofs to allow for photo voltaic (PV) and solar thermal panels to be accessed and maintained easily. Flat roofs don't blend well with some of the older buildings in the area. We are relying on our architects to come up with creative solutions to this dilemma!

  • The access for cars is planned to be from Oak Street which the local authority don't have a problem with. We may though need to inset the building a little next to the entrance to improve visibility.

So, no insurmountable problems for our design team. We will be having a series of meetings over the next few weeks to finalise things before going to a full planning application in the Spring of 2022.

Community Engagement

To gauge the feeling of the local community we held an open meeting in St Augustine's Church Hall, near the Angel Yard site, at the beginning of December (see the photo above). Our architects Archio were there along with representatives from TOWN, many Angel Yard members and of course the local community. Again it was pleasing and reassuring to find that the responses to our questionnaires handed out on the day were universally positive from those who dropped by.

Design Group

There was been a reduction in the number of meetings for this group, formed of members committed to living at Angel Yard, over the Christmas period. However this is all about to change with the design of the inside of Angel Yard homes and the landscaping of the site all to be discussed over the next few weeks.. We do actually have a real live in-person meeting scheduled with our architects for February!

It's not too late to get involved. If you are interested in joining us or know someone else who might be, sign up below.


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